Friday, January 29, 2010


Time again for an update for all my friends & colleagues (thanks, those of you who've asked recently).

One thing worth mentioning at the outset is the various ways you can currently follow me (though I know I'm remiss in updating sometimes). All are invited to use any of these methods, and I'll try here to list them in top-down order by "hottest" (for example, on YM I'm literally live (chat) daily).

Yahoo Messenger (YM):
My ID: ps4ss4841
Direct (IM) text chat
Available: Most weekdays, between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time Zone

Checked at least twice daily

One-line updates ("tweets")
Become a follower and I'll update daily.
I'll follow you too.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat):
Nick: LifeWrecked
Nets: UnderNet, DALNet
Lately, you can actually find me nearly every day (late in the day, many evenings) on UnderNet in the #41plustrivia channel. I've become something of a trivia (chat) addict - to the point where I'm top dog (score) this month, and the existing channel OPerators invited me into that (OP) role. IRC (in general) is the Wild West of the chat universe. You can get a popular client (software for using IRC) at:

I'm very gradually ramping up as a Facebook user - I manage to check in most days at least once a day, and have a gaggle more friends than I can keep up with, but that's life on social networks. Feel free to "friend" me, and if I have a clue who you are (personal notes help), I'll accept.

This Blog:
The good, the bad, and the just plain nuts - my ramble and rant forum
Updated sporadically - again, become a follower (click the link on the left), and I'll probably post more often. BTW, for those of you with old links, this above link is to this new version as of late 2008 (the old one is still up, but I don't update it).

Not a direct contact, but well worth mentioning:

SWC (Say What Club):
My friends with hearing loss! (click for more info) (Facebook)
I'm actually a bit of a "lurker" these days on the SWC email list (World); I read the digest daily, and do reply to posts occasionally (enough to stay activated). This will probably change (more activity) as the Mini-Con date (summer 2010) draws near, as I fully intend to make it to Denver for this one! I miss being as active with SWC as I once was; I'm still "reconstructing" a life here. I love you folks!

Above wound up being big enough for one post, so I'll post another one for the actual skinny on my latest doings...

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December 2009

Vertigo - Meniere's

Vertigo - Meniere's