Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Last Post of 2009

While I'm at it:

Is your cell phone secure?

Latest Activities/Musings

I've actually received my first unemployment check from EDD! It was a long time coming, and a lot of bureaucratic effort, but it paid off. CASHING said checks is quite another story for yours truly - due to my being blacklisted from normal banking services. So far, holding my breath on a two-party check ATM deposit at my sister's bank.

I've so far had two telephone job interviews - a week apart; one for the company I'd worked for previously, one for another large healthcare organization - both for quite reasonable positions, and both with moderately promising results. No resting on the daily push though - I'm still responding to unrelated posts as they come in from the many job search engines I'm subscribed to. I'm also ramping up on a free 3 month trial of UpMo - a rather unique "Intelligent Job Hunt" and networking site. It's a bit of a learning curve to use their unique style of explicitly networked job seeking, but it does look quite interesting and rich in helpful info. With that in mind...

The Job is Networking (Writing)

Landing squarely on the last day of 2009, it occurs to me that my primary job for at least the first few days of 2010 (I can always hope for less "free" time) is Networking - the traditional meaning of that word, not specifically the technical; though for me, of course, the primary medium is the via the latter. Going a bit deeper still, it seems my focus needs to shift slightly from my prior technically oriented career pursuits to the related pursuit of my first passion - the very activity I'm engaged in - writing (any and every mode).

Look for increasing activity on this blog, and hopefully some of my other social networking domains as well.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All!

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December 2009

Vertigo - Meniere's

Vertigo - Meniere's