Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Current State of Affairs

Monday, 11/16/2009

Per Larry/Priscilla (Reentry Coordinator/Director of Rehabilitation Services) I have permission to stay here at Salvation Army (SA) through the weekend of Nov 21,22. I am quite sure I must leave after that.

I have applied for General Assistance (GA, aka Welfare) a the Department of Social Services (SS). I saw an eligibility counselor today and qualified for the Welfare to Work program. They still need three documents from me (financial evidence), two of which I have as of today, one I'm still working on getting (below).

I spoke today to a man who is opening a transitional home in Oakland that sounds just perfect for me - however I don't qualify right now because I don't have a job; he says GA doesn't pay enough. The rent is only $450/mo with a $150 deposit for the smallest room he has - but they're single bed rooms, which is certainly appealing. I told him I'd check back with him when I do find employment (or get unemployment - again, below).

I tried to get a hold of EDD by phone today to find out how to handle the situation; I applied for unemployment back in November 2008, when I lost my job. I did qualify, but didn't collect any checks. The SS/GA folks think I can probably still get it, but may have to re-file. I lack a lot of information I need (my end) to do so. Their phone lines are nuts - due to some benefits extension legislation, they're flooded with calls, and only open the phones from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays. I tried calling for that whole hour today, and never got through. I'll be looking at alternatives (buried somewhere, I hope) on their web page. I also need evidence of application for the SS/GA folks (see above).

I got a very promising lead on a job in downtown San Francisco via e-mail today. I called immediately, and spoke to the tech recruiter. He seemed very convinced I'm a "good fit" (I agree), and he's passing my resume along.

Monday, November 23rd will be a very busy day for me. I have another GA/FSET (food stamps) information meeting (mandatory for GA participation) down at Social Services. My DOR (Department of Rehab - disability) contact has also e-mailed me requesting I call her on the 23rd to set up a meeting (she's out of office this week). This, of course, also happens to be the day I leave the SA.

I'm still applying for every posting/lead I get (from anywhere, anyone) that seems even near reasonable - and a few that are far fetched. Lots of hopeful signs - the movement today was good - but no interviews scheduled as yet.

I'm in a pretty serene place overall - thanks to the program & fellowship of AA and SA.

I did have a couple spiritual victories today, in addition to the good job lead. The first was an opportunity to share a testimony about the SA program with my very friendly eligibility counselor at SS. I told her of my situation, my alcoholism, my recovery, and my gratitude to SA. She said she'd heard it was a good program, though difficult, and I confirmed both. My second small victory was when I stopped at Wells Fargo Bank to get evidence of account closure or zero balance (I knew not which) for my (our) old account with them - unused and empty for almost a year. I found myself easily able to share information about my alcoholism and recovery program with the account representative (an honest explanation of the reason for account inactivity). Though the rep seemed to know little about the disease (she flashed on the passing of my wife - joint account, I had to tell - as a possible factor in my alcoholism - NOT - but I didn't press), she cheerfully got me what I needed, and it didn't cost a dime (which surprised me). She also swallowed without a burp the information I freely offered that I owe them one HOAL of money (though I couldn't say exactly). Dang, there might be something to this honesty stuff after all. It's still a huge future 9th step, but it's a lot less scary now.

As always, my watchwords, and prayers, are patience and perseverance. I'm really seeing the benefits of recovery ala the AA program, as I slog through the process of finding job and home, and though aware of the future, and planning as best I can, "worrying" these days only about doing the right things I can do today, and leaving the worries of tomorrow where they belong instead of inviting them over the time barrier for a visit. Not that I always get it perfect, but I do get it.

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December 2009

Vertigo - Meniere's

Vertigo - Meniere's
Credit: http://djembeslappin.blogspot.com/2007/10/menieres-hell.html